
A body mass index calculator
A body mass index calculator

a body mass index calculator a body mass index calculator

A high BMI and large waist size may signal an increased risk of heart disease. In many Southeast Asian countries, the thresholds for the overweight and obese categories tend to be lower. The BMI calculator uses Standard or Metric measures and is available in English or Spanish. Body mass index (BMI) uses weight and height to estimate body fat. Although BMI is calculated the same way worldwide for all ages, the way an individual's BMI is interpreted depends on location and the person's age. The BMI Calculator is an easy-to-use online tool to help you estimate your adult patients' body fat. It is based on the results of the most comprehensive study published so far on the BMI. The SBMI an index that has been developed four years ago especially for this calculator serves for this purpose. For more information about BMI percentile and growth charts for children, visit the CDC's Child and Teen BMI and NHLBI's We Can! web pages. This calculator computes the body mass index and rates it appropriately for men, women, children, juveniles and seniors. A child or teen who is between the 85th and 95th percentile on the growth chart is considered overweight. A child or teen who is at the 95th percentile or above is considered obese. The growth charts use a child's BMI, age, and gender to produce a BMI percentile. If pounds and inches are used, a conversion factor of 703 (kg.

  • It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle.īMI for children and teens, 2 to 20 years old, is determined by using a BMI table that compares their weight and height along with growth charts. The body mass index (BMI) is calculated with the following formula: BMI weight(kg) / height(m)2.
  • Enter your measurements and click calculate for your body mass index. BMI has several limitations: it's not accurate for pregnant women, people under 5 feet tall, and people with very muscular builds. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.
  • It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) can help you find a healthy target weight range.
  • The higher the BMI, the higher the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and certain cancers (e.g., colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder).Īlthough BMI can be used for most men and women, it does have some limits: People who are obese (BMI of 30 or above) almost always have a large amount of body fat in relation to their height. People who are overweight (BMI of 25–29.9) have too much body weight for their height. This ratio of weight to height is known as the body mass index (BMI). For adults, a healthy weight is defined as the appropriate body weight in relation to height. Start Step 1-> Declare function to calculate BMI float BMI (float weight, float height) return weight/height2 step 2-> In main () Set float weight60.00 Set float height5.1 Set float bmi BMI (weight,height) Print BMI Stop.

    a body mass index calculator

    Consult with your healthcare provider and consider making lifestyle changes through healthy eating and fitness to improve your overall health and quality of life.BMI is an estimate of body fat and a good measure of your patients' risk for diseases that can occur with overweight and obesity. People with obesity are at increased risk for many diseases and health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure (Hypertension), Type 2 diabetes, breathing problems and more. If your BMI is above 30: Your BMI is considered obese. Consult with your healthcare provider and consider making lifestyle changes through healthy eating and fitness to improve your health. Being overweight may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Find out your BMI and what it means for your health. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a persons weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. If your BMI is between 25-29.9: Your BMI is considered overweight. Body Mass Index Calculator This calculator allows you to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). This healthy weight helps reduce your risk of serious health conditions and means you’re close to your fitness goals. If your BMI is between 18.5-24.9: Your BMI is considered normal. Ponderal Index: 12.9 kg/m 3 The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can be used to calculate BMI value and corresponding weight status while taking age into consideration. Please consult with your healthcare provider for more information about BMI calculations. Keep in mind that an underweight BMI calculation may pose certain health risks. If your BMI is below 18.5: Your BMI is considered underweight.

    A body mass index calculator